Merlynsfire's Tidbits for June...
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The month of the Mead Moon...
Every month I'm going to put in new information for the month, so keep coming back to find out more!

This month is also called Moon of Horses, Lover's Moon, and the Honey Moon

Correspondences for the month...
Nature Spirits: sylphs, zephyrs
Herbs: skullcap, meadowsweet, vervain, tansy, dog grass, parsley, mosses
Colors: orange, golden-green
Flowers: lavender, orchid, yarrow
Scents: lily of the valley, lavender
Stones: topaz, agate, alexandrite, flourite
Trees: Oak
Animals: monkey, butterfly, frog, toad
Birds: wren, peacock
Deities: Aine of Knockaine, Isis, Neith, Green Man, Cerridwen, Bendis, Ishtar
Power Flow: full, but restful energy; protect, strengthen, and prevent. A time of Light;Earth tides are turning. Decision-making, taking responsibility for present happenings. Work on personal inconsistencies. Strengthen and reward yourself for your positive traits.

The Witches Tarot...
This is an awesome tarot deck, and it's really great for divination and clarity if you're asking questions in relation to any metaphysical matters.
  What's going on around the World this month...
June1-2: In Rome, the Day of the Carna, goddess of physical survival, doors and locks. Syn, the Norse goddess of inclusion and exclusion, is similar.
June 2: The Shapatu, or Sabbat, of Ishtar in Babylon.
June 6: The Bendidia of Bendis, the Moon goddess of Thrace. In Greece, cakes were set out at crossroads for Artemis.
June 14: Birthday of the Muses
June 16: Night of the Teardrop, Feast of the Waters of the Nile, in Egypt, celebrating the goddess Isis and her sorrows.
June17: In Rome, the Ludi Piscatari, or festival of fishermen
June 21: Summer Solstice. In England, the Day of Cerridwen and her cauldron. In Ireland, dedicated to the faery goddess Aine of Knockaine. Day of All Heras, or Wisewomen. Day of the Green Man in Northern Europe.
June 24: Burning of the Lamps in Egypt at Sais, a celebration of Isis and Neith.
June 25: In India, Teej, a festival for women and girls in praise of Parvati.
June 27: In Greece, the Arretophoria, a nymph festival honoring the Maiden and Amazon goddesses.

Sharbatee Gulab
This drink is from India and June is an excellent time to make it, since the roses will be in bloom. Serves six to eight...

5 large fragrant roses in full bloom
2 quarts cold water
1 1/3 cups sugar
1/4 cup lemon juice
3 cups crushed pineapple, fresh or canned
finely crushed ice
extra rose petals

Choose only roses not sprayed with pesticides. Wash the roses and shake off the excess water. Carfully take off the petals and put them in a large bowl. Pour the cold water over them and let stand in a dark, but not refrigerated, place for about 4 hours. Strain out the petals, saving the water. Dissolve the sugar in the lemon juice and add this to the rose water. Stir in the pineapple. When ready to serve, pour over crushed ice, and top with a rose petal in each glass. Sit back and enjoy!

German Witch's Potpourri
2 ounces witch hazel
1 ounce rue
1 ounce sweet woodruff
1/4 teaspoon ginger
2 drops pine oil
1 ounce rosemary
1 ounce powdered myrrh gum
1 teaspoon lemon or orange peel
2 teaspoons vanilla

place in a small jar with a lid. Remove the lid when you want to perfume the room. It's great to heighten your senses for meditaions, and divination least to my findings!

This is one of my favorite images
These are some of my favorite symbols in relation to the Goddess energy, the Celts and the Druids, and also, one of my original drawings called "Pendragon" at the bottom...which is something I feel very tied to.

The Druid Animal Oracle...
This is an awesome way to get in touch with my Druid roots as it brings me in contact with an ancient, powerful, earth oriented force, and gets me in touch with my ancestors.